Money in misery 喜也钞票,哀也钞票

来源:Economist 日期:2009-02-17

International marriages are crumbling with the global economy, revealing unseen pitfalls in cross-border divorce law. Good news for lawyers

MARRIAGES that thrive on money may wither with thrift. That is a depressing lesson from the world economic crisis, which has brought a surge in business for divorce lawyers in former boomtowns such as London and New York. When one or both spouses is from a foreign country, divorce is not just sad but complicated too—especially when most assets may be in a third country, a pension in a fourth, and offspring in a fifth.


Globalisation has made binational marriages, once exotic, much more common among high-earning, highly mobile families. When they stop being high-earning, life gets tricky. Louise Spitz of Manches, a London law firm, has observed an “exceptional” period since September. “With the redundancies in the City there has been a concomitant wave of marital upheaval,” she says. “Families used to living on huge bonus income are unable to continue with the commitments they have taken on—housing and school fees and the cost of living the high life.” Manches has taken on eight more divorce lawyers to cope with the extra work. A high proportion, Ms Spitz and other lawyers reckon, of the once-rich couples now breaking up include at least one foreign spouse.

全球一体化成就了无数异国姻缘,尤其在在收入较高且流动性较强的家庭中更为普遍。当这些家庭不再拥有高收入,生活便艰难起来。伦敦律师事务所曼切斯(Manches)的路易斯.皮茨(Louise Spitz)提到一段从9月开始的“非常时期”。“金融城连连裁员,一波离婚热潮也随之而来。”她说:“曾以奖金收入为主的家庭无以维持他们已经签下的承诺——房贷、子女学费和高档生活开支。因为业务增加,曼切斯新招了八个离婚律师。皮茨及其它律师都认为,曾经生活美满现在面临分手的夫妻至少一方来自国外。

So who sues whom for divorce and where? How much money will be awarded to whom? Will it be collected? And how? The answers are far trickier than most non-lawyers would imagine. Take, for example, this lightly disguised but real-life example: a wealthy philandering Texan banker with a French wife. Formerly resident in New York, with a recently-lost good job and rented house in London, he now plans to move back to Texas. His wife, newly suspicious and with no money of her own, wants to take the children home to France. She needs her family, she says. What she actually needs is urgent, specialist legal advice.


A London divorce settlement might give her many millions: a house, school fees and maintenance until the children are adults, or even indefinitely. An English court may well disregard a prenuptial agreement, particularly if one of the parties did not have independent legal advice. And it will tend to care more about immediate needs than about whether assets were acquired during the course of the marriage, or predate it, or are the result of an inheritance. All assets are likely to be divided. If the wife is lucky, she may even be able to collect her share.


In the wife’s native France, things will look very different. In her favour is that conduct counts—so adulterous spouses will be penalised. In most other Western countries, divorce courts have given up attributing blame. Even domestic violence is often ignored, though it still counts heavily in some jurisdictions, such as Florida.


But in the typical French divorce, any alimony (also called maintenance) will be less and for eight years at most; any prenuptial agreement will be binding. Only assets acquired during the marriage are up for grabs. If, in our example, the American husband moves to France, he will be expected to play an equal part in bringing up the children—a requirement that would delight some fathers, but by no means all.


If the errant husband has the divorce filed in Texas, the tables are turned even more dramatically. The wife risks being left penniless. In Texas state law, alimony is usually minimal and temporary—though child support, thankfully, is a federal matter. In America, the law varies hugely between states. Most exclude from the settlement assets acquired before the marriage (but Michigan and Colorado don’t). Most exclude inherited property (but Massachusetts and Oregon don’t). In most states, judges will enforce prenuptial agreements (but they often won’t in Alaska).


If the Texan husband decides to file in New York, however, he may find the outcome startlingly expensive. As in some English court rulings, New York courts may award one party a share of a spouse’s future earnings—assuming that they are based on a qualification, such as an MBA or medical degree, that was earned thanks to a joint effort in happier times. Yet New York law has one big catch: unless the parties have signed a formal separation agreement it requires proof of cruelty, adultery or abandonment, whereas other states allow “irreconcilable differences” as grounds for a divorce. So binational couples in New York who want to end their marriage may find themselves unable to do it there, and squabbling about alternatives. Rules differ, too, on what constitutes residency in a particular jurisdiction. In hedonistic Las Vegas, six weeks is enough.


According to Jeremy Morley, an international divorce lawyer based in New York, hiding assets from a spouse is also much easier in some countries than in others. California, at one extreme, requires complete disclosure of assets. At the other extreme, Austria, Japan and many other countries require very little disclosure. A California court recently ordered a husband to pay $390,000 in costs and penalties to his wife because he did not disclose some significant financial information. In another jurisdiction, the assets could have stayed hidden.

据纽约国际离婚律师杰里米.莫雷(Jeremy Morley)表示,在某些国家藏匿资产要相对容易。一个极端是加利福尼亚州要求完全公开资产,而另一个极端如奥地利、日本和其它许多国家基本不需要公布资产。加州法庭最近判决一个丈夫向妻子支付39万美元的资产和罚金,只因他未公布某些重要财务信息。若在另外一个地方,这些资产可能不会被发现。

Who gets the children? 孩子归谁?

Cash and kids may pull in different directions. Countries that are “man-friendly” (shorthand for favouring the richer, usually male, partner) when it comes to money may be “mum-friendly” when it comes to custody. Japan, for example, is quick and cheap for a rich man—unless he wants to keep seeing his children. English courts are ferocious in dividing up assets, even when they have been cunningly squirrelled away offshore. But compared with other jurisdictions, they are keen to keep both divorced parents in touch with the children.


The children’s fate, even more than family finances, can be the source of the hottest legal tussles. The American State Department unit dealing with child abduction has seen its caseload swell from an average in recent years of 1,100 open cases to 1,500 now. In Britain, the figures rose from 157 in 2006 to 183 in 2007, according to Nigel Lowe of Cardiff Law School.

相比家庭经济而言,孩子的命运更能成为最热门的法律争论焦点。美国国务院儿童诱拐案件受理单位发现此类案件从几年前平均1100起上升到目前的1500起。在英国,据卡迪夫法律学校的奈杰.洛(Nigel Lowe)表示,这个数据从2006年的157上升到2007年的183。

Of the cases reported worldwide, mothers are the main abductors when a marriage breaks down. They are cited in 68% of cases. Ann Thomas, a partner with the International Family Law Group, a London law firm, says child abduction has increased “dramatically” in the past three years or so. A big reason is freedom of movement within the European Union, which has enabled millions of people from the new member states to live and work legally in the richer part of the continent. That inevitably leads to a boom in binational relationships, and in turn more children of mixed marriages. Ms Thomas notes that when a relationship between a foreign mother and an English father breaks down, the mother often assumes that she can automatically return to her homeland without the father’s permission. That may be a costly legal mistake.

全世界上报的儿童诱拐案件中,大部分是母亲在婚姻破裂后诱拐子女,这种情况占总案例的68%。安.托马斯(Ann Thomas)是伦敦国际家庭法律集团(International Family Law Group)的合伙人,她说,过去三年以来儿童诱拐案件“大幅”增加。一个主要原因是欧盟之间的自由往来,使成千上万的人从欧盟新成员国能够到其他富足的成员国工作生活。这不可避免导致跨国婚姻,进而产生更多复杂家庭背景的孩子。托马斯提到,当一个外国母亲和英国父亲的婚姻破裂时,母亲通常认为她可以不经过孩子父亲的同意自动返回到祖国,而这是可能导致代价高昂的法律失误。

Most advanced industrialised countries, plus most of Latin America and a sprinkling of others, are signatories to the 1980 Hague Convention, a treaty which requires countries to send abducted children back to the jurisdiction where they have been living previously. That is fine in theory: it means that legal battles have to be fought first, before a child is moved. It is a great deal better than a fait accompli which leaves one parent in possession, while the other is trying to fight a lengthy and expensive legal battle in a faraway country.


But in practice things are very different. Views on the desirability of children being brought up by “foreigners” vary hugely by country; so do traditions about the relative roles of fathers and mothers in bringing up their children after divorce. In most Muslim countries, for example, the assumption is that children over seven will be brought up by the father, not the mother, though that is trumped by a preference for a local Muslim parent. So the chances of a foreign mother recovering abducted children from a Muslim father are slim. Apart from secular Turkey and Bosnia, no Muslim countries have signed the Hague Convention, though a handful have struck bilateral deals, such as Pakistan with Britain, and Egypt and Lebanon with America.


Japan has not signed it either—the only member of the rich-country G7 not to have done so. Canada and America are leading an international effort to change that. Foreign fathers, in particular, find the Japanese court system highly resistant to attempts even to establish regular contact with abducted and unlawfully retained children, let alone to dealing with requests for their return. Such requests are met with incomprehension by Japanese courts, complains an American official dealing with the issue. “They ask, ‘Why would a father care that much?’” Countries edging towards signing the Hague Convention include India, Russia and mainland China. But parents whose ex-spouses have taken children to Japan should not hold their breath: as Ms Thomas notes, even if Japan eventually adopts the Hague Convention, it will not apply it retrospectively.


Games with different rules 规则不同的游戏

Moreover, even signatory countries may be bad at abiding by the convention, especially when it means enforcing the return of children to a parent alleged to have been abusive. The annual State Department report to Congress on observance of the Hague Convention lists Honduras as “non-compliant” and nine other countries (Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Poland and Venezuela) as showing “patterns of non-compliance”. Anyone in a wobbly marriage with a citizen of these countries might bear that in mind before agreeing to let the children go on holiday there.

But America is not blameless either, particularly if parents try to recover their children through state rather than federal courts, where judges may be unaware of the Hague Convention’s requirements. “Except in Florida, New York, California and Texas, a judge may only hear one Hague case in his career,” says a State Department official. Judges who get it wrong can be overruled on appeal, but it takes time and money: the Hague Convention aims to make proceedings quick and cheap, thus making abduction less likely. Whereas Britain offers automatic legal aid to the foreign parent trying to recover the children, in America they must rely on their own resources or a pro bono lawyer.


Making wily choices about possible jurisdictions is often criticised as “forum shopping”. But the stakes are high: ending up in the wrong legal system, or with the wrong approach, may mean not just poverty but misery. Mr Morley says the differences between one divorce jurisdiction and another are far more than, say, playing a sporting fixture at home or away. As the table shows, totally different rules apply.


So it is understandable that a disillusioned spouse, and his or her lawyer, will try hard to get the most favourable jurisdiction. Yet that can all too easily lead to each party starting, or even finishing, a divorce in a different country. Sorting out these cross-border legal wrangles can be colossally expensive. A tussle between jurisdictions usually starts in six figures, in dollars, euros or pounds; when all four legal bills, of both sides’ costs in both countries, are totted up, it easily shoots into seven figures. And it is hugely time-consuming. The children involved may reach adulthood before the final verdicts are given.


International attempts to tidy up the law have made some things better, but not all. The European Union (where 875,000 divorces take place each year, a fifth of them binational) introduced a reform in 2001 called Brussels II. This has largely stopped “forum shopping”, with a rule that the first court to be approached decides the divorce.

国际社会在法律方面作出的努力使这种情况有所改善,但无法完全改观。欧盟每年有87.5万对夫妇离婚,其中1/5属跨国婚姻。欧盟在2001年进行了一次名为“布鲁塞尔二号(Brussels II)”的改革,规定离婚必须由诉讼送达的首个法院来判决,这在很大程度上阻止了“挑选法院”的行为。

The problem with this rule is that it encourages those in troubled marriages to end them, not mend them. Even if a marriage is doomed, the trend in family law is to resolve the dispute out of court, typically through mediation. A race to issue proceedings makes it much more likely that matters will get nasty, as well as lengthy and costly. David Hodson, an international family law specialist, notes sadly that “This law works against reconciliations and resolutions out of court. Cases can be won and lost by one spouse issuing a divorce a matter of minutes before the other spouse. That must be wrong.”

该法规的弊端在于鼓励面临婚姻危机的夫妇早早劳燕分飞,而不是让他们破镜重圆。而从家庭法的角度来说,即使婚姻已经毫无意义,仍倾向庭外解决争议,典型的方法是庭外调解。提起诉讼的比赛会使事情变得很糟,很且时间长、费用高。国际家庭法专家大卫.霍德森(David Hodson)难过的表示:“该法规有悖于庭外和解原则。夫妻一方可能因为比另一方早几分钟提起离婚申请就会打赢官司,而晚几分钟就会全盘皆输,这是不合情理的。”

The law of dirty tricks 法律之不公

Brussels II also encourages some less scrupulous lawyers to behave badly, urging their clients to act fast and dirtily. A London divorce lawyer recalls a case where a husband from an overseas country had acquired his wife’s European nationality by marriage, living briefly in her continental home country before moving to London. Five years and two children later, the marriage was on the rocks, with the husband away working in East Asia. Without his wife’s knowledge, he filed for divorce in her country, one of the stingiest jurisdictions in Europe (from her point of view). His only connection with it was his marriage to the wife he was trying to dump cheaply. Had the case been heard in London, where both parties had much stronger links and had owned a home for years, she would have done far better.


To avoid such cases, a further EU measure, Rome III, tried to stipulate that a marriage should be ended only by the law that has governed it originally. That works fine in similar countries where divorce rules are highly codified, precedents do not matter and judges’ discretion is limited. It already applies in some northern European countries, so that Dutch courts, for example, will apply French law when dealing with a French couple whose marriage has ended during a posting in The Hague.

为了避免类似案件的发生,欧盟又推出了“罗马三号(Rome III)”措施,该措施规定判决离婚应运用夫妻当初登记结婚的管辖区的法律。这在离婚法相似的国家还行得通,既不参照先例,而且法官的裁量权有限。这已经在北欧一些国家实行,如荷兰法庭在处理一对法国夫妻的离婚案件时应用法国法律。

But such a rule works much less well when other systems are involved. English law is much more complex, and is based on intricate precedents and judges’ discretion that cannot simply be looked up and applied. Even greater difficulties arise when couples come from more distant countries. Would a Swedish court want to apply sharia law to a divorcing couple recently arrived from Saudi Arabia? Many Swedes flinched at that. Mr Hodson complains that it would mean that “the essence of a country’s community life found in its family laws is removed and replaced by the laws of another country.” In the United Kingdom, he says, it would be “entirely against [national] law and policy.”


For richer, for poorer为了强者,为了弱者

Now that Rome III has been stymied, a group of nine countries, led by Spain and France, is going ahead under a provision in EU law known as “enhanced co-operation”. This allows like-minded countries to work together, leaving the unwilling behind. And still more international tidying-up operations are in the works. Another Hague Convention tries to harmonise arrangements on cross-border child-support payments—an area that tends to be a bit less contentious than divorce, where views of what is fair differ wildly.


Perhaps the biggest weakness of the system is the advantage that it gives to the richer partner when an international marriage breaks up. Experienced lawyers can operate, if necessary, with high speed to help the poorer spouse—for example, by putting the first hefty legal bill on the husband’s credit card before he is aware of what his wife is up to. In England, that may be followed by a swift move to initiate divorce proceedings, and then an emergency maintenance application that includes provision for legal costs. When the richer party has assets in that jurisdiction, a fair fight is possible. But Kerstin Beyer, a German-British divorce lawyer at the International Family Law Chambers in London, says the tables are often stacked against the poorer (and usually less knowledgable) spouse. Some husbands file for divorce abroad and simply fail to turn up at the English court, hoping that the cost and delay of enforcing the judgment abroad will lead their ex-wife to give up. A client of hers trying to gain the assets she had been awarded in Colorado was faced with a demand for a $15,000 upfront payment from a lawyer there: an impossible expense for someone of her means. Another has been pursuing, expensively and so far fruitlessly, assets in Luxembourg and Germany awarded by a London court. Pensions are particularly tricky. Some countries split them between divorcing couples as a matter of course; others regard such requests from foreign courts coldly.

也许该体系最大的弱点就是,当跨国婚姻破裂时,它会给经济实力较强的一方提供有利条件。其实,有经验的律师可快速操作以帮助经济实力较弱的配偶,例如在丈夫还未完全明白妻子的想法时,将第一笔高额法律账单打入丈夫的信用卡。在英国,接下来将是很快提起离婚程序,随之便是一张紧急抚养费申请单,当然包括法律费用。如果强者有资产在申诉地,那离婚战争才可能公平。但是伦敦国际家庭法律商会的德英离婚律师科斯汀.贝尔(Kerstin Beyer)说,情况往往会对弱者不利(通常在其不知情的情况下)。有些丈夫在国外申请离婚,而且根本不在英国法庭现身,指望高额法律费用和国外延期执行判决使其前期主动放弃。贝尔的一名客户想拿到判决的在科罗拉多的资产,却面临当地高达一万五千美元的律师收费,这对像她这种过活的人来说是天文数字。另外一位客户在以高昂的代价索取由英国法庭裁决的在卢森堡和德国的资产,到目前为止还毫无结果。退休金尤其棘手,有些国家会理所当然的进行分割,而有些国家这认为这是来自外国法庭的无礼要求。

More fundamentally, divorce arrangements in countries with English-style common law are still liable to be influenced by highly atypical fights between the super-rich, who can afford to take cases to the highest courts. In most marriages there is barely enough money to support one family in one country, notes Ms Spitz. Spreading that between two sides is a stretch, even without an expensive legal fight. As house prices plunge and savings shrivel, divorcing couples are fighting over a shrinking cake.


“Forum shopping”是英美法上的一个术语,系指利用国际民事管辖权的积极冲突,从众多有管辖权的法院中选择一个最能满足自己诉讼请求的法院去起诉的行为。对于“Forum shopping”,我国学者中有“挑选法院”、“选购法院”、“择地行诉”和“竞择法院”等不同译法。对其具体含义,我国学者的普遍理解是“当事人选择于己有利的法院起诉,从而使对方蒙受不利”。当事人在不同国家(法域)提起诉讼,由于各国(法域)政治、文化、经济、法律传统方面的差异,冲突规范存在差别,其指引的实体法会有所不同,各国(法域)法院对于同一涉外民商事案件,就可能会作出不同的判决,因此,当事人为维护自己的利益,总是希望选择一个对自己最为有利的法院进行诉讼,当事人这种选择法院的行为与在集市上进行商品买卖时挑选物品极为相似,故称之为“挑选法院”更为恰当。